Who is responsible for this site?
The site was created and is maintained by Jill Elizabeth.  All content is published and monitored by her (me).  Some content has been paid for in part or in full by other parties.

Is this content under copyright?
All content is licensed under a Creative Commons Copyright.  It is free to be used in its original form and credited back to this source.  Any exceptions will be noted.

Is this site able to be seen on mobile devices?
This site is hosted by weebly.com which does optimize for mobile devices and operating systems.  With that said, the technology changes fast!  All updates are included as they become available!

Do you sell advertising or sponsorships?
At this time there are no paid for ads on this site.  Any business listed at this time has been done with written consent and voluntarily and at no cost.  If you are a local business and would like to be listed, please contact here.  Advertising may be available in the future.

Why is my comment not showing?
Any comments that are derogatory or unsubstantiated will be removed.  You are free to comment on your own platform, but the purpose of this platform is to be informational and entertaining – not political or to air dirty laundry…

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